Camping 101 - Supplies And Preparation

I have organised everything into sections to try and make the checklist easier for everyone to use and track their stuff to insure that nothing is forgotten. So there you have it. These fire starters are specifically formulate for starting your camping fire and the best part is they are good for the environment. Attempt to discover the weather conditions of the camp site where you will arrange your tent and pack the necessary clothes that are appropriate for the particular weather. A handful of these with some twigs on top and you get your fire going in a lickity split! The next item I found to be of great use to starting my campfire is dryer lint

You need to add one more thing to your list of things to do when you're planning a camping trip. One of the things we love here is how close it is to home and it's easy enough to go if you've only got two or three nights. Plus, you won't hear much of "are we there yet" from younger children. Store foods in rodent-proof containers and properly discard, bury, or burn all garbage. Don't purchase a large tent if there aren't too many people travelling

Depending on how minimalistic you plan on going, you might also want to have supplies for cooking and meal time. Camper trailers provide a unique way to venture out into the wilderness for a weekend of camping with the entire family. So what should you include on your list? This will partly depend on what type of camping you are doing and the location of your campsite

Black beans and rice make an excellent meal, especially if you can find a ready-made store mix which often packs its own kick. You can get some small containers from most outdoor retailers. Instant polenta or couscous, though a bit heavy, provides an excellent base for cheeses, dried vegetables, or other sauces, as both are hot and filling

after the fall book
