Discover Your Soul Mate With The Hierophant Tarot Card

The Hierophant Tarot this card refers to a master and the process of learning practical lessons through the study of natural law. This energy of this card suggests an agent or resource that can uncover the secrets of the universe, the cycles of the Moon and the tides the connection between human beings and the heavens. Since monasteries were the sole where one could study to write and read during the Middle Ages, a Hierophant was one to whom a student would petition for entry. The Hierophant was the one who set the curriculum for the novice's study.

Most often, he is depicted with his right hand raised to bless The Hierophant is linked with the long-standing lineage of Melchezidek who was the founder of the Hebrew priestly tradition, and the one who passes on the teachings. Shamans from all traditions are influenced by this archetype. When you see that the Hierophant card is reversed, this may indicate that you are bringing an unneeded episode of rebellion against the traditional, long held ideals and beliefs in spirituality that belong to your family. Consider that, without the steady influence of the tradition passed down by generations There would not be a solid support system that you could afford to rebel.

Get a sense of whether you are biting the hand that feeds you. Be careful not to damage your right relationship to The Great Mystery. The Hierophant suggests that you return to the role of a meticulous student. Learn all you can about your chosen area. Let that knowledge become a part of you and have an influential influence on your day-to-day awareness. This way you will gradually and steadily establish real credibility within your field or topic. Gain respect and appreciation by finishing your education and expanding your knowledge. If you have the required skills, rewrite your resume so others can appreciate who you are and what you bring to a scenario. Set your sights on the goal and stay focused. You could be on the path to become a master of your realm.
